What is The Center for the Secret of Peace Ministries?

The Center for the Secret of Peace is a 70-acre property overlooking Lake Kivu located in the Diocese of Cyangugu (“chan-goo-goo”) in Rusizi, Rwanda. Fr. Ubald envisioned the Center for the Secret of Peace as a place for people from around the world to come for healing and the new life that comes from forgiveness and reconciliation. The location borders Congo and Burundi and serves all who come from not only Rwanda, but neighboring countries.  

The property has a main church with a smaller Adoration chapel, an amphitheater for large gatherings and outdoor Masses, a Rosary walk, and a Divine Mercy Jesus statue, as well as housing for the priests and a small administrative building.

“It will be a beaming light of peace for all people to reconcile themselves and to resume a new life based on the brotherhood of Jesus Christ.”


Fr. Ubald, with the encouragement and permission of the Bishop of Cyangugu, had a vision to build a center of healing, peace, and reconciliation that would minister to the people of his diocese, Cyangugu (“chan-goo-goo”), the nation of Rwanda, and the surrounding areas of Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo where there has been so much war, poverty, and trauma. He also saw the center becoming a source of spiritual inspiration and education for international visitors.


Fr. Ubald had an inspired and comprehensive vision for the complete development of the property so it could welcome and serve pilgrims who come for healing.

A closer look at the grounds of The Center for the Secret of Peace

Keep the Mission Alive

As we continue to spread the message and ministry begun by Fr. Ubald, we invite you to join us and financially support this critical work. In our world filled with strife, conflict, and suffering the message of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and peace is as needed as it ever was.

The Latest News & Events

“Let’s Make Joy” Benefit Dinner & Silent Auction

“Let’s Make Joy” Dinner & Silent Auction in Chicago! Featuring guest speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza, close personal friend of Fr. Ubald.

Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 6pm

Looking Toward Sainthood for Our Beloved Father Ubald

For those who knew Father Ubald personally, there is no doubt in our minds that he is in Heaven soaking in the joys of eternal life with the Holy Trinity, Mary, the saints and his beloved Rwandan family.

Reflection On My Travels to Rwanda

Having just returned from Rwanda, here are a few reflections. The Center for the Secret of Peace grounds were beautiful with lots of visitors and pilgrims.