Healing Stories

  • Ubald comes from Rwanda. He was financed by our parish in Graz/Austria, where I am based, to train as a priest.
  • In February 2009, Fr Ubald’s first visit to Jackson, WY, I went to his healing mass. During the mass he proclaimed - someone with cancer of the blood now you are healed - That was ME!!
  • We just heard in Luke’s Gospel (Lk 6:27-28), Jesus telling His disciples:
    Love your enemies.
    Do good to those who hate you.
    Bless those who curse you.
    Pray for those who mistreat you.
  • I prayed to Father Ubald during adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament for me to forgive my friend who had yelled at me and physically shook me while I was trying to help her find a wallet.