Images and Videos of the life and teaching of Father Ubald Rugirangoga

“Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”

— ST PAUL TO THE ROMANS (Romans 12:21)

Images and Videos of the life and teaching of Father Ubald Rugirangoga

“Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”

— ST PAUL TO THE ROMANS (Romans 12:21)

Live Messages from Father Ubald

From 2020 to 2021, before his passing, Father Ubald hosted over 200 Facebook lives. All of these can be viewed on Father Ubald's Facebook page via the link below.

Images and video from Father Ubald’s Ministry

Secret of Peace 8 Minute Short

Fr. Ubald in Jackson Hole

Church Dedication Aug 12 2019

Last Healing Services in Rwanda Before Fr. Ubald’s Death

Rwanda 2022 Trip

Gala 2023

Fr. Ubald Statue Dedication January 2024


During his life Fr. Ubald led countless retreats, created programs on forgiveness and reconciliation, and preached all around the world on forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, peace, and the love of Jesus Christ. He spoke and wrote in multiple languages (Kinyrwanda, French, English, and German). Below are links to a small sampling of some of his writings, teachings, and personal testimony.


Forgiveness: The Secret of Peace

Forgiveness: The Secret of Peace is a documentary film on the life and work of Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, a 57-year-old Catholic priest in Rwanda.


Forgiveness: The Secret of Peace

Forgiveness: The Secret of Peace is a documentary film on the life and work of Fr. Ubald Rugirangoga, a 57-year-old Catholic priest in Rwanda.


Forgiveness Makes You Free

A dramatic story of Healing and reconciliation from the Heart of Rwanda.


Forgiveness Makes You Free

A dramatic story of Healing and reconciliation from the Heart of Rwanda.

The Latest News & Events

“Let’s Make Joy” Benefit Dinner & Silent Auction

“Let’s Make Joy” Dinner & Silent Auction in Chicago! Featuring guest speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza, close personal friend of Fr. Ubald.

Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 6pm

Looking Toward Sainthood for Our Beloved Father Ubald

For those who knew Father Ubald personally, there is no doubt in our minds that he is in Heaven soaking in the joys of eternal life with the Holy Trinity, Mary, the saints and his beloved Rwandan family.

Reflection On My Travels to Rwanda

Having just returned from Rwanda, here are a few reflections. The Center for the Secret of Peace grounds were beautiful with lots of visitors and pilgrims.